This is why I’m not listening to you #DEARBOOMER

Why you should stop shouting if you want to be heard

Ea Gesika
2 min readSep 5, 2021

You don't need to listen to someone who doesn't listen because their words are not for you but to their own insecurities simply because they don't want to bravely confront their reality.

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When someone listens, they are tactful, mindful, and intentional of their words. Their best interest may be different from you but it is not as harmful as the self-centered non-listening individual whose hungry to control others simply because they dont want to control the best and only person they have control over, themselves.


May it be your boss, an elder, a friend, a family member, don't feel guilty about not listening to them if it keeps you the peace you need. They are the last person you'll need in your life.

Listen to the people who has heard you. Listen to those who, at the smallest effort, have tried to understand you first.


Those who listen don’t have to raise their voice, simply because they are not insecure and crumbling to get authority and control over you. They try their best to be heard because they have heard you and they know that their words need to get through you, hence, they are more gentle and more approachable. When someone is itching to control you especially because they don’t want to control themselves because of the cowardice of facing their truth, they will shout, scream, and make themselves look like the bigger person yet when you look inside them, they are operating under extreme fear and anxiety.

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The next time you hear someone shout or raise their voice at you, just know that their words will never define you but defines their internal selves and battles. Just let them finish talking, and shake off what they said ‘coz you may not need to listen to them but you also should not step down to their level.

Together, let us stop the generational curse and toxicity brought by the older generations and help make people’s minds process anxieties and life struggles better.



Ea Gesika

Co-author of New Normal, New Beginnings • CAT- holic • wife • mother to a little boy • marketing professional • trend hunter • growth hacker • geek • artist